Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Jean-Marie Gorce is the head ot the Telecommunications department of Insa Lyon.

  • Tanguy Risset and Jean-Marie Gorce and are professors at the Telecommunications Department of Insa Lyon.

  • Florent de Dinechin is a professor at the Computer Science Department of Insa Lyon.

  • Claire Goursaud is an associate professor at the Telecommunications department of Insa Lyon.

  • Leonardo Sampaio-Cardoso is an associate professor at Insa Lyon (Premier Cycle).

  • Guillaume Salagnac and Kevin Marquet are associate professors at the Computer Science Department of Insa Lyon.

  • Guillaume Villemaud and Florin Hutu are associate professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of Insa Lyon.

  • Samir M. Perlaza and Jean-Marie Gorce teach the course on Network Information Theory at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon.


  • PhD in progress Tristan Delizymemory management for normally-of NV-RAM based systems, Insa-Lyon, (Region ARC6) since 09/2016.

  • PhD in progress Yohan UguenSynthesis of arithmetic operators, Insa-Lyon, (Mininstry of research) since 09/2016.

  • PhD in progress Yuqi MoScaling of Iot Communication issuers, Insa-Lyon, since 09/2015.

  • PhD in progress David KibloffNew strategy for Physical Layer Security in wireless networks: self-jamming using Full-Duplex Transceivers, École Doctorale EEA de Lyon, funded by Inria-DGA grant since 10/2015.

  • PhD in progress Victor QuinteroFundamental Limits of Decentralized Cognitive Radio Networks, École Doctorale EEA de Lyon, funded by Colciencias since 02/2014.

  • PhD in progress Nizar KhalfetStochastic Energy Sources to Power Communication Systems, École Doctorale EEA de Lyon, funded by EU Project COM-MED since 10/2016.

  • PhD in progress : Matei Istoan: High-performance coarse operators for FPGA-based computing, ANR Metalibm grant, since 01/2014.

  • PhD : Arturo Jimenez Guizar: Cooperative communications in Body Area Networks, ANR Cormoran grant, 27/10/2016.

  • PhD : Matthieu Vallerian: “Radio Logicielle pour réseau de capteurs”, CIFRE/Orange, 15/06/2016.


Jean-Marie Gorce was a member of the jury of the following thesis:

  • PhD Ehsan Ebrahimi Khaleghi, Advanced techniques of Interference Alignment : Application to Wireless Networks (Telecom ParisTech, January 2016), (as a reviewer).

  • PhD Bhanukiran Perabathini, fundamental limits of energy efficiency in wireless networks (CentraleSupélec, January 2016), (as a reviewer).

  • PhD Abraham Kaboré, Study of detection-correction error codes for MAC/PHY layers in smart grid networks (University Limoges, March 2016), (as a veviewer).

  • PhD Marwa Chami, Optimization of cognitive systems with successive interference cancellation and relaying (CNAM, Paris, May 2016), (as a reviewer).

  • PhD Jan Oksanen, Machine learning methods for spectrum exploration and exploitation (University of Aalto, September 2016), (as an opponent).

  • PhD Wenjie Li, Robust information gathering and dissemination in wireless sensor networks (CentraleSupélec, November 2016), (as a reviewer).

  • PhD Raphael Massin, On the Clustering of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (Telecom ParisTech, November 2016), (as a reviewer).

  • PhD Zheng Chen, User-Centric Content-Aware Communication in Wireless Networks (CentraleSupélec, December 2016), (as a reviewer).

  • HdR Frédéric Guilloud, contributions to error correction codes and to digital communications toward communications with short frames (Telecom Brest, December 2016).

Samir M. Perlaza was a member of the jury of the following thesis:

  • PhD Chao He, “Broadcasting with delayed CSIT: Finite SNR analysis and heterogeneous feedback”. Defended at CentraleSupélec on December 2 2016, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.

Florin Hutu was a member of the jury of the following thesis:

  • PhD Jeremy Hyvert, “Techniques de conception d'oscillateurs contrôlés en tension faible bruit de phase en bande Ku intégrés sur silicium en technologie BiCMOS” (Université de Poitiers, September 2016).

Guillaume Villemaud was a member of the jury of the following thesis:

  • PhD Roman IGUAL PEREZ, “Platform hardware/software for the energy optimization in a node of wireless sensor networks”, Univ. de Lille 1.

  • Mohammad ABDI ABYANEH, “Génération des signaux agrégés en fréquences dans le contexte de LTE-A”. Telecom Paristech.

  • Shiqi CHENG, “Characterization and modeling of the polarimetric MIMO radio channel for highly diffuse scenarios”. Univ. de Lille 1.

Tanguy Risset was a member of the jury of the following thesis:

  • Marcos Aurelio Pinto Cunha (U. Grenoble, Jan. 2016) as jury president .

  • Xiguang Wu (CentraleSupélec, Mar. 2016), as reviewer.

  • Shaoyang MEN (U. Nantes, Oct. 2016) jury president.

Florent de Dinechin was a reviewer in the habilitation thesis of Roselyne Chotin-Avot (LIP6, Paris).